Downstream Engineering and Construction To Be Held Virtually

As the spread of, and uncertainty around, COVID-19 continues, our plans for the year continue to evolve. The coronavirus has created one of the most challenging environments the modern world has ever experienced. Many of the industry events and trade shows we eagerly look forward to each year have either been postponed or cancelled. Fortunately, one of the most significant meeting places for Downstream capital project, engineering, maintenance, reliability & turnaround professionals will be hosted virtually!
HarbisonWalker International is proud to sponsor Downstream Virtual – The World Stage for the Petrochemical, Chemicals, LNG and Refining industry – Join us by clicking here to sign up for free.
About HWI, A member of Calderys
HWI is one of the leading suppliers of refractory products and services in the United States, with a history that spans more than 150 years. It is part of Calderys and is the brand for the Americas region of the Group. HWI counts 25 manufacturing sites and 20 distribution centers in the Americas, as well as the largest refractory industry research facility in North America. Serving virtually every major industry that requires refractory solutions to enhance production and protect assets, HWI is consistently recognized for its talented experts, industry firsts, and intensely driven excellence.
For more information, visit