HTT: Shark Week

It’s Shark Week! A time for witnessing awesome power, learning about incredible aquatic creatures, and optimizing tundish performance with HWI’s new impact offering: JAWS. Listen in to hear marketing manager Fred Adkins talk about how the JAWS impact pad system can help increase minimum residence time, promote surflace flow, increase tundish volume utilization and improve inclusion floatation efficiency. For more information about JAWS, or to learn more about how to optimize your tundish performance, contact our technical marketing team.
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Listen in to Season 4, Episode 7 now!
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This podcast was recorded and is made available by HarbisonWalker International, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “HWI”) solely for informational purposes. HWI is not providing or undertaking to provide any professional advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed or provided in this podcast (including by speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of HWI) are not necessarily those of HWI and may not be current. HWI DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY OF THE INFORMATION, STATEMENTS, COMMENTS, VIEWS OR OPINIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PODCAST, AND ANY LIABILITY THEREFOR (INCLUDING IN RESPECT OF DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER) IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. HWI does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast. No part of this podcast may, without HWI’s prior written consent, be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in any form, by any means.
About HWI, A member of Calderys
HWI is one of the leading suppliers of refractory products and services in the United States, with a history that spans more than 150 years. It is part of Calderys and is the brand for the Americas region of the Group. HWI counts 25 manufacturing sites and 20 distribution centers in the Americas, as well as the largest refractory industry research facility in North America. Serving virtually every major industry that requires refractory solutions to enhance production and protect assets, HWI is consistently recognized for its talented experts, industry firsts, and intensely driven excellence.
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