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HWI receives the Fred Rogers Good Neighbor Award

Mar 23, 2017 / People

We pour the same passion and dedication into community outreach as we do the refractory business. Our commitment to community involvement through our “Humanity at Work” team was recently recognized with the Fred Rogers Good Neighbor Award from the United Way of Allegheny County. HWI was one of 13 companies to be honored for its commitment to workplace volunteerism and its service to our most vulnerable neighbors.

Above: Members of the HWI “Humanity at Work” team received the Fred Rogers Good Neighbor Award at a recognition celebration on March 23, 2017, at the Hotel Monaco in Pittsburgh.

About HWI, A member of Calderys

HWI is the largest supplier of refractory products and services in the United States, with a history that spans more than 150 years. It is part of Calderys and is the brand for the Americas region of the Group. HWI counts 25 manufacturing sites and 20 distribution centers in the Americas, as well as the largest refractory industry research facility in North America. Serving virtually every major industry that requires refractory solutions to enhance production and protect assets, HWI is consistently recognized for its talented experts, industry firsts, and intensely driven excellence.

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